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How to Explore Your Personal Aesthetic

Before you start looking for your aesthetic...

First, you should understand that having an aesthetic is not about what you look like on the outside but How you feel on the inside that gradually exudes through your everyday clothing, hobbies, etc.

With that being said, here are some tips/steps to accomplish before thinking of your personal aesthetic:

Look in the Mirror

If you read our other blog post you will see that I recommend this method of "Looking in the mirror" quite a lot. The reason being is, anyone can say inspirational words and phrases about themselves on Instagram or Snapchat looking behind a filter. Or even talking to another person and proclaiming how you feel about yourself. It takes true courage to be able to look into the mirror and out way the good with the bad. "I love my personality but not my body" "I'm a little ruder than I'd like to admit", Be real with yourself and tell that girl in the mirror what she needs to work on in order to be happy...

Create a Routine

Another phrase we use, creating a routine will help create a balance for the mind. Whether it is a sleep schedule, skincare, self-care, etc; Create a small routine that you know you will live by. This will also help you feel some type of control over your life. Sometimes we feel as though with everything going on, we don't have a complete grasp on how our life is; creating a simple routine will help guide you in the right direction

Maintain your Surroundings

Most times when we are feeling stressed or uneasy, our surroundings are to blame. Surround yourself with objects and people who benefit your growth. Don't be afraid to *snip* *snip*, it's for your and others' wellbeing.

Now with creating your aesthetic:

You essentially want to pay close attention to your color choices and schemes. It doesn't have to be your favorite color, just a color you feel the best in. It can be any color or colors that you desire

*I do not own the rights to any of these photos*


Or is it Elegant, Flowying & Mesmerising

All in all, No matter what your color scheme is, don't be afraid to try other styles or colors to change your wardrobe. Expand your thinking, further develops your mind. Never limit yourself to one thing EVER. Whether its with life or with finding your aesthetic changing up your regular is always good for growth.

"Your Crown has been bought and paid for, Put it on your head and wear it." - Maya Angelou

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