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Queen Blogs

Hello Beautiful!, Welcome to our Queen blogs. We will release a new blog every 2 weeks. Feel Free to comment below your thoughts and if you have any suggestions for new topics feel free to email us


The Definition Of Beauty

Society has a tendency of creating a set standard of beauty:

Well DJQC is here to tell you that its is ALL a LIE. You define your own beauty! Become the Beautiful Queen you always wanted to be. No matter what labels and standards society creates. You Are a Natural Beauty..

What is beauty?

Beauty is defined by your own personal definition. Look and Become the queen you always wanted to be despite others opinion. Creating you own unique look or style is what sets you are apart from others and is what makes your personal beauty begin to form. Starting TODAY, look in the mirror and recognize your distinct beauty and OWN IT!!!

Feel Free to comment below out of all the perfection about you. What is your most favorite quality about yourself?

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