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What is a Healing Journey???


First off, I am not an expert on the “healing journey” Till this day I am learning & unlearning tactics to get through the chapters in my life along with forgive & rewrite the past chapters. So I want to give a disclaimer,in case the perception is that I have overcame or know it all because I 110% don’t. But I can give some insight and explanation of my view of the Healing Journey

What is a Healing Journey-

Now I know you have seen all these hashtags & viral vids of the”Healing Journey” and probably wondered what even is it??

The Healing Journey is a mental work rite of passage, you have decided that your current mental space is not working for you anymore and chose to change,alter and/or remove certain barriers in your life. I would love to hear everyone else's definition of the Healing Journey in the comments!

Why begin your healing journey -

So why start this mental work? Its a long rigorous process that can be avoided right? Well starting your healing journey overall helps you become more in tuned with yourself as a person. It's also a way of potentially healing those who come after you or at the very least help thing know the tools they can use if they go through any trauma in life. For me personally, taking the initiative to heal saved my life. When dealing with mental issues such as Depression, sitting in the intense sad state just was not good for my mental health at all therefore when I finally got up or had a small ounce of realization that “this isn’t who i wanna be” I started reinventing myself and building a new healthy version of me that I have finally grown to love!

How Do i even start?

  1. Accept that you are hurting, it is okay because you are strong enough to fix it

  2. Evaluate why are you trying to heal in the first place?

  3. Make a list of who and what you want to be and what healing steps will it take to get there. (its okay if you are not sure yet)

  4. Understand that YOU, yes YOU are capable of doing this.

  5. Understand that this is not a straight road,its truly more of this continuous weird looking figure 8

  6. Finally take your time, you rushing will not make you heal faster it will only create more issues to heal from later

These are just a few tips with starting, in another blog post I will share some healthy tips I’ve learned when healing


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, The healing journey is a long, long journey that i honestly don’t think ends it just creates new beginnings. I would love to hear feedback from all of you! Comment under this post healing definitions, tips of starting, any points I’ve miss, etc. Be sure to add your name and email address as any one of the lucky comments will win $$$ off or a freebie in the next order!

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